Category: Hanga | Create

future letter thing

Dear me or something from the future I am probably dead or a cyborg or something. The world is… boring, hopefully you are doing better :> and I know in the future I’m gonna be lazy to read this so I’m gonna make it short. Right now there are lots of funny memes like 9/11 and funny memes that could be a sin to laugh at like (death) 🙂 but anyway their will probably be no world peace in the future I’m guessing because of many different types of chaos so most likely to have greedy, wealthy, stupid, non wealthy, autistic, people drinking barely any water because the apocalypse might of started and your arm is probably gone so you replaced it with a fork XD, I’m just joking you will probably has something sharp on your  hand that is gone side but also I’m speaking my thoughts to make this letter thing longer like more paragraphs or sentences, also capybara memes are funny and cute so don’t judge with your retarded thoughts because I know you’re probably thinking it’s dumb but in my head I think… it is so yeah I don’t really care at all about them so and also school shooting are probably more frequent this time of year (2015-2023) etc but life is okay and hopefully yours is better so good luck and the end.