not a real story.
How the mountain got snow on his head: One day the mountain woke up in the morning then slept every night. He did this everyday he would look at birds and planes pass by when he’s bored.
But one day he got bored of sitting there like a hill.
So he thought of an idea instead of looking at birds and planes passing by he would style his hair but the problem was he had no hair.
He was a mountain with no hair. He started to think about how to grow hair but would not work. So he kept thinking and thinking until he got an idea if his hair won’t grow back so he would wear a wig but he couldn’t find one his size because he’s so big while everything is so small so he thought of making one himself. He got to work and started looking for material to use as wig hair but the idea did not work. He could grow new hair but it takes forever to grow his hair that was made of trees. His body is made of rocks, and his head has a hole the size of a boulder. The hole was big but the inside was like a massive cave that looked to be thousands of years old.
He thought there was life in the cave like living organisms, the living creatures looked like dinosaurs he said but that’s what he heard he was not that sure that their was things living in his head but anyway one day a cloud pass by the mountain but the cloud was so huge the cloud size was indescribable so the cloud passed by, then a line that looked like a ginormous cut on the side of the cloud white powder started to fall out.
He said it’s snow, it’s snow I can finally have hair and that’s how the mountain/Mount Everest got snow in his head or what the mountain wants to call it his hair/wig THE END.